BREAKING: C​a​m N​e​w​t​o​п challeпges A​п​g​e​l R​e​e​s​e wιth a pгovocatιve qυeгy: ‘Woυld yoυ date someoпe who eaгпs less thaп yoυ?

Cam Newton and Angle Reese

Would NBA star Angel Reese ever date someone who makes less than her? Well, that’s quite a tall order since the WNBA All-Star has a net worth of $2 million.

Considering her endorsement deals with candy brand Reese’s, financial platform Cash App, McDonald’s, and Reebok, among many others, it’s not surprising to see her generate so much at just 22.

On the latest episode of Unapologetically Angel, guest Cam Newton posed this very question to Angel Reese. So, what was her take?

For Reese, it all comes down to whether a man who earns less can still meet her standards and align with the expectations she has set for herself.

“It depends. I have a standard of what I live up to and how I live my life and as long as you can meet up to that and meet up my expectations then yeah, and as long as it’s genuine,” she said on 

However, the Bayou Barbie is clear about one thing—transparency is key. She wants a man who is upfront about his financial situation and isn’t overextending himself just to impress her.

That, for her, is a deal-breaker.

“Don’t be going out of your way and trying to buy me stuff you can’t afford. Like I said, know what you getting yourself into.”

Reese then turned the question to Newton, asking him whether he would be open to dating a woman who outearns him.

Well, the former MVP believes he could. But he isn’t.

Cam Newton is currently in a relationship with comedian and actress Jasmin Brown, also known as “WatchJazzy.” Her net worth is a modest $2 million to his $50 million.

Angel Reese Sends Strong Kevin Durant Message - Athlon Sports

According to Reese, it’s hard to find a guy who earns more than her and is around the same age as her.

If she goes by the traditional gender “rules,” there wouldn’t be many prospects left for her.

Angel is currently single and has been for over a year. She previously dated Cam’Ron Fletcher,

Newton still seems to have the traditional opinions about gender, expressing that an overwhelming majority of women wouldn’t give a man earning less than her the time of day.

It’s because traditional gender roles see men as protectors and providers and anything they earn belongs to the whole family.

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